
SANDMAN THE ANNOTATED Vol.3 The Sandman 40-56 by Neil Gaiman

Casa editrice: VERTIGO
The third of four volumes, THE ANNOTATED SANDMAN reprints Neil Gaiman's THE
SANDMAN with annotations by Leslie Klinger (The Annotated Sherlock Holmes, The
Annotated Dracula) that delve into the historical and literary references
contained in the series. I
    DescrizioneThe third of four volumes, THE ANNOTATED SANDMAN reprints Neil Gaiman's THE
    SANDMAN with annotations by Leslie Klinger (The Annotated Sherlock Holmes, The
    Annotated Dracula) that delve into the historical and literary references
    contained in the series. I
    AutoreNEIL GAIMAN - Autore
    Casa editriceVERTIGO